Who We Are?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“The Labor Movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress.”

Declaration of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights, human security.  We refuse, and will always refuse, to condone or tolerate dictatorship or oppression of any kind.  We will find and expel from our midst any who might attempt to destroy, by subversion, all that we stand for.  This Brotherhood will continue to oppose communism, Nazism, racism, sexism, fascism or any other subversive "ism".  We will support our God, our Nations, our Union.


The Objects of the IBEW

To organize all workers in the electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into Local Unions;

· To promote reasonable methods of work;

· To cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry;

· To settle all disputes between employers and employees by arbitration (if possible);

· To assist each other in sickness or distress;

· To secure employment;

· To reduce the hours of daily labor;

· To secure adequate pay for our work;

· To seek a higher and higher standard of living;

· To seek security for the individual;

· And, by legal and proper means, to elevate the moral, intellectual, and social conditions of our members, their families, and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.

Our Core Values

Since 1891 the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) has been at the forefront of the electrical industry and workers’ rights. We have a long history of bettering the lives of electricians across the country, but our history is just the beginning.

We are focused on a bright future that holds true to our long established values. We have 820,000 active members and retirees in the US and Canada. IBEW members are organized into Local Unions. Leaders are democratically elected and members have a voice and say in their union. This means that every area can be a little different, but every local union works to give Electricians a better future.


Chris Brown


“I’m a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. I left active duty in 2005 after 13 years of service. I bounced around, job to job, always being told, ‘Thank you for your service, but we don’t have any room.’ When I started my IBEW apprenticeship in 2012, they told me they were honored to bring more veterans on board. I’ve been a journeyman wireman for two years now. The skills and benefits have allowed me to help put my daughter through college. I’m able to put my 8-year-old son in a stellar hockey program. I’m no longer struggling with bills and have a great benefits package, and I’m no longer worried about retirement or the future.”


Jacqueline Darnell

Journeyman Wireman

“I worked in insurance and retail before I joined the IBEW in 2013. I’d seen advertisements for colleges to train people to be electricians, but why would I pay someone to teach me when I could work and earn money while being trained? During my apprenticeship, I got pregnant with my son, who is now 4. But we had nothing to worry about because I had excellent health insurance and wages to handle expenses. No one can put a price on that kind of peace of mind.”


Ryan Roe

Journeyman Wireman/Foreman

“I learned this craft the hard way, working nonunion for 12 years before I organized into the IBEW. The apprentices I see come through IBEW training are miles ahead of the nonunion side, well-trained on systems, not just the basics. I’m fortunate to work alongside true craftspeople in this union who take safety and professionalism seriously. They’re a huge benefit to the entire industry.”